Sunday, April 25, 2010

States of Matter and it's Descriptron

Common states of matter:

There are three common states of matter i.e. solid, liquid and gas. Solid has definite shape as well as definite volume. Liquid has a definite volume but not definite shape and it takes the shape of Cessel in which it is kept. Gas has neither definite shape nor definite volume, it takes the shape of vessel in which it is kept and occupies all the space available to it.

Kinetic description of states of matter

According to kinetic molecular theory, matter is composed of very tiny particles, which are called as molecules these molecules are always in motion and they possess kinetic energy. The three states of matter depend upon the arrangements, motions and forces of attraction between these particles. the difference between solid, liquid and gas is explained as follows:

Solid state:

In solid state molecules or particles are tightly packed with one another and they have only back and forth motion (Vibrational motion) about their fixed positions. Therefore particles in solid can not slip or slide over one another and thus they possess definite shape and definite volume.

Liquid state:

In liquid state molecules are not tightly packed with one another. Their positions are not fixed and they can move in all direction, hence liquid does not have any definite shape. But in liquid state the kinetic energy of molecules is less than gaseous state. Therefore intermolecular attractive forces are more than gaseous state. Due to these intermolecular attractive forces liquid has a fixed volume.

Gaseous state:

In gaseous state molecules are lying away from one another and they can move in all direction easily. The cohesive forces in a gas are negligible and the particles are free to move about in all directions. The kinetic energy possessed by these molecules are very high, therefore gases have neither definite shape nor definite volume.

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