Friday, April 30, 2010

Definition of Ideal Gas Law:

The ideal gas law is a combination of all the gas laws. The ideal gas law can be expressed as PV = nRT.

  1. P is the pressure in atm
  2. V is the volume in liters
  3. n is the number of moles
  4. R is a constant
  5. T is the temperature in Kelvin

The constant R is calculated from a theoretical gas called the ideal gas. The most commonly used form of R is .0821 L * atm / (K * mol). This R will allow the units to cancel so the equation will work out.

To find the volume of 2.00 moles gas that is at 1.00 atm of pressure and 235 Kelvin, use the ideal gas law equation.

(1.00 atm)(V) = (2.00 mol)(.0821 L * atm / (K * mol))(235 kelvin)

V = (38.587 L * atm) / (1.00 atm)

V = 38.6 L

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