Saturday, May 1, 2010

Naming of Acids and Acids with Oxygen:

Naming of Acids:

For binary compounds with hydrogen as the positive ion, place the term HYDRO at the front of the stem of the negative ion, the letters IC at the end of the stem, and add the word acid.

Examples :

H2S is hydro sulfuric acid
HBr is hydrobromic acid
H2Te is hydrotelluric acid
HF is hydrofluoric acid
HCN is hydrocyanic acid

Naming of Acids with Oxygen:

These acids have hydrogen as the positive ion and a radical containing oxygen as the negative ion. If the radical ends in ATE , take off the ate, put on IC and add the word acid.

Examples :

HClO3 is chloric acid
HNO3 is nitric acid
H3PO4 is phosphoric acid
H2CrO4 is chronic acid
is sulfuric acid

If the radical ends in ITE, take off the ite, put on OUS and add the word acid.

Examples :

H2SO3 is sulfurous acid
HNO2 is nitrous acid
HClO is hypochlorous acid

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